The West Is On The Wrong Path — Gabor Steingart, publisher, Handelsblatt

The West Is On The Wrong Path

Gabor Steingart, publisher, Handelsblatt

Finally an independent voice has come out of Europe. The publisher of Germany’s most important newspaper has criticized both the German press for serving as a ministry of propaganda for Washington and criticized Washington’s policy toward Russia as a failure to think: “The policy of running your head against the wall–and doing so exactly where the wall is the thickest– just gives you a headache and not much else.”

Steingart writes:

“If the West had judged the then US government which marched into Iraq without a resolution by the UN and without proof of the existence of weapons of mass destruction by the same standards as Putin today, then George W. Bush would have immediately been banned from entering the EU. The foreign investments of Warren Buffett should have been frozen, the export of vehicles of the brands GM, Ford, and Chrysler banned.

“The American tendency to verbal and then to military escalation, the isolation, demonization, and attacking of enemies, has not proven effective. The last successful major military action the US conducted was the Normandy landing. Everything else – Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan – was a clear failure. Moving NATO units towards the Polish border [with Russia] and thinking about arming Ukraine are continuations of Washington’s policy of relying on military means in the absence of diplomacy.

This is a very hopeful article–what I have been waiting to see and no doubt Putin also. Unless Washington can quickly divert attention from Handelsblatt’s criticism of Washington’s militarism in place of diplomacy, perhaps by shooting down another airliner, Europe will begin to understand that European subservience to Washington is all cost and no benefit and that the cost of being Washington’s vassals is rising. PCR

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