Washington Caught Again In A Lie
Paul Craig Roberts
In case you didn’t hear from the presstitute media, Syrian president Assad was just re-elected with 88.7% of the vote. Assad is the “brutal dictator” that Obama claims the Syrian people are trying to overthrow. The vote clearly puts the lie, yet again, to Washington.
Voting was not possible in some parts of Syria where the Washington-backed Islamist jihadists hold sway. Nevertheless, the vote clearly shows that it is Washington and not the Syrian people who want to overthrow Assad.
Washington and its British vassal had no choice but to allege, without any proof whatsoever as always, that the election was unfair and unfree.
When Washington puts out massive propaganda about how everyone in Syria wants tooverthrow “a dictator” and then the people re-elect “the dictator” by 88.7% of the vote, Washington’s propaganda is exposed.