By: pcr3|28 August, 2013|Categories: Guest Contributions . Other|Tags: chudley lowry
American government implicated in the most heinous and massive chemical weapon attacks in history. And now the Washington scumbags are on their high horse about an alleged and unproved use of chemical weapons by Assad in Syria. Foreign Policy Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran The U.S. knew Hussein was launching some of the worst…
Read more »By: Interviews|28 August, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . The Corbett Report|Tags: paul craig robets on radicalizing islam
Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Criminality Will Lead to Nuclear War. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington's Criminality Will Lead to Nuclear War. Published on 27 Aug 2013 Alex also interviews Paul Craig Roberts on how U.S. officials are radicalizing Muslim groups in order to destabilize Russia and Chin…
Read more »By: pcr3|28 August, 2013|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews . Russia Today|Tags: rt interviews
Have you lost patience, as I have, with the pretense that a US/UK military attack on Syria is a response to Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons? If only one journalist on live camera would ask one of the many liars–Obama, Cameron, Hague, Tony Blair–this question: “Why are you lying to us?” If only there were a Helen Thomas somewhere…
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